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Once you setup and run a shopping site, will you just leave and wait and do nothing till a shopper will arrive? Any site needs a constant care because any errors can be generated without a prior warning. How to detect an error?
1.Check to see if an email works. Use a contact form to test an email every morning.
2.Are links still linking? Click links to check their links are still working. Especially old links require checking.
3.Is your site up running? Go each page to see if there is any errors.
How to prevent from getting errors?
1.Please know your renewal date for your domain name. If you do not renewal your domain in time, not only your site will not become accessible but also your email will not work. There may be a few hundred dollars penalty fee to put it back running. Or you may need to wait around few months or more till it becomes available for you to register your domain name again. In any case, your site will be down for a while and you cannot do anything about it.
2.Please pay your hosting fee punctually on time. If you missed paying a hosting fee, not only your site will not become accessible but also your email will not work. Usually, your site will be back running as soon as you pay a hosting fee. However, if you do not pay for a more than a month or two, your files at server may be erased.
3.Is a free hosting for a limited time? Some free hosting services are required for you to access once a certain time in order to keep it running. Make sure you know the time range.
How to get more visitors?
1.Apply your site to get a vote at a rank generating site. Vote to your site everyday. Take a look a top ranking site and learn from it.
2.Give a special reward for a loyal client Provide a point system so that a loyal client gets a special discount.
How to fix an error?
Once you find an error, you need to know the cause of an error and report it to a certain place.
1.Email has a problem. When you get an error while submitting order, most of a time, email has a problem. First, go and use a contact form to see if it works. If you are getting a same error, then email component may not be functioning properly. Please contact your hosting company along with an error message you receive.
2.Site is down. When you cannot open and browse your site, your site is down. There are several reasons for your site has become down. A.Host server is down. B.ASP is not functioning. C.ODBC is not functioning. D.Script error is causing an error. If one of A.B.C. is a problem, you need to contact to your hosting company to fix the problem. If D. is a problem, you need to contact me. To avoid me from asking you back those questions, please include the following information when you are contacting me.
The address of the page which has an error. (Example) http://www.usa-japan-market.com/problempage.html
Give me the exact error message. Copy and paste an error message described at an error page. Also please give me a brief discription of how you getting an error.
FTP access information(host address, user name, and password) Please give me your FTP access information to me, so that I can get into a file and fix a problem.
Please back up your files and database reguraly.
For a several reason, files and database can be destroyed without any prior notice. So, you had better backed up your files and database into a safe place.