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USA-JAPAN-MARKET.COM is running currently as a test mode. USA-JAPAN-MARKET.COM is running currently as a test mode. If you have a site and if you want to add your product to USA-JAPAN-MARKET.COM, please contact me with the require information provided bellow.
USA-JAPAN-MARKET.COM is for those who would like to sell products to either from Japanese to English or English to Japanese at the web site. Therefore, shipping should be available for an abroad if you want to list your products or site at USA-JAPAN-MARKET.COM. English site is targeting for English(USA and European) customers and Japanese site is targeting for Japanese customers. There is no need to have an exact set of products for both sides. Final arrangement, such as how to ship or how to purchase has to be made between sellers and buyers.
Who can post his/her products at USA-JAPAN-MARKET.COM?
For those who has already website or web page about a product can apply for adding a product into USA-JAPAN-MARKET.COM. Please send me one large and one small size of image files along with its brief explanation, price, and its web address (possibly both Japanese and English) by Email. Once it has posted at USA-JAPAN-MARKET.COM, when someone orders the product, the order mail will automatically send to your email address. Once a seller receives an email, he/she is obligated to contact a customer by an email or a phone to make a final arrangement. I want to limit a product list numbers up to 3 products per one seller at USA-JAPAN-MARKET.COM. If a missing link or a missing web page about a product listed at USA-JAPAN-MARKET.COM is found, the product listing will be taken away from USA-JAPAN-MARKET.COM. I will not take any responsibilities about any out come caused by selling or purchasing a product listed at USA-JAPAN-MARKET.COM. Any illegal products, products which require a parental guide, or products which have some kinds of problems will be either not listed or taken away from USA-JAPAN-MARKET.COM without being given a prior notice. This content of policy may be modified periodically so please view it as often as possible.
How to insure for not getting any damages caused by buying or selling a product listed at USA-JAPAN-MARKET.COM?
Please look a preview posted by its buyer, visit its site and make a contact with a seller to determine how reliable a product is. Please avoid an expensive product for the first time purchasing. USA-JAPAN-MARKET.COM does not take any responsibilities about damages caused by a product listed at USA-JAPAN-MARKET.COM so take a precaution before purchasing it. Please refer its site to see what kinds of payment options or policies that those sellers have. USA-JAPAN-MARKET.COM will be operating as long as possible.
 | The program used in USA-JAPAN-MARKET.COM is modified from VP-ASP(5.0)CART, VP-ASP.COM. For those who would like to purchase its original program, please visit VP-ASP.COM by clicking the left image. |
For those who want to have the exact same format(Both Japanese & English) of program currently running at USA-JAPAN-MARKET.COM, please order from bellow. Thank you.
1.VP-ASP Shopping Cart (Windows or Unix) |
| $US 195 | | -Coming Soon- | 2.VP-ASP+ Option Package (Windows or Unix) |
| $US 300 | | -Coming Soon- | 3.VP-ASP LITE |
| $US 145 | | -Coming Soon- | 4.VP-ASP Deluxe |
| $US 425 | | -Coming Soon- |
If you have a question, please contact me at info@usa-japan-market.com. Thank you.